Until 2004 wines carried the family brand of Veritas. As interest in the wines grew in the United States this term caused confusion with another Veritas wine brand. Now all the wines are branded Rolf Binder. We use that term Veritas on this site for past references and older wines referred to particularly vintage tasting notes. The top four reds of Rolf Binder in order of distinction are Rolf Binder Hanisch Shiraz, Rolf Binder Heysen Shiraz, Rolf Binder Hubris Shiraz Mataro and Rolf Binder Heinrich Shiraz Mataro Grenache. Rolf Binder Heysen because of trade mark issues is not sold in Australia. Also the Rolf Binder Hubris has an immense following in Australia under its old name of Veritas Bulls Blood Shiraz Mataro 'Pressings' and we continue with that namewww.veritaswinery.com