Organic / Vegan/Vegan,Organic / Vegan,New,Varieties/Red,Varieties/Red/Pinot Noir,Regions/Victoria,Regions/Victoria/Yarra Valley,Wine List/Giant Steps

Giant Steps Sexton Pinot Noir 2023



"It might be north-facing and exposed but there’s a coolness to this release. It tastes of forest berries and boysenberries with toast and sprays of alpine herbs. It’s not overtly minty but it has that cooling feel. There’s a sweetness to the spice and a general impression of completeness, the latter aided by a full suite of ripe, grainy, meaty tannin. The finish of this wine has a fan to it; forever quality’s best marker." - Wine Front


"Located on the steep slopes of the Warramate Ranges, the Sexton Vineyard is in one of the most revered pockets of the Valley. Being well up the Range’s north-facing slopes, topsoil is thin and root systems have established themselves in shallow gravelly loams above a tough, rocky clay base. Bunch yields set naturally low in this environment, resulting in intensely flavoured fruit with high skin to juice ratio. The clonal selection of Pinot Noir off this site includes the G5V15 clone, which responds well to the warmer conditions and sunlight exposure to produce juicy and plush wines. The Pinot Noir produced from Sexton have a lovely texture, with dark cherries and plums, sweet spice notes and youthful tannins." - Giant Steps


Farming   Vegan-friendly  

VIC- Yarra Valley
Wine Red - Pinot noir
