From 30-40 year old vines!"Founded over 250 years ago, Chateau Minuty is one of France's most regarded estates. Hailing from the hills around Saint Tropez, Minuty's Roses are regarded the world over as refined, full of character and the benchmark for Provence. This Prestige Rose is the estate's top wine. Grenache-based, its gorgeous pale colour sets the tone for bouquet, palate and experience - classy, floral, fresh and exquisite."
Wine House
"All the savoir faire and tradition of Minuty are crystallized in the Prestige range, wines of character born of the subtle marriage between power and finesse. They express the perfect mastering of both the terroir and the heritage of an entire family of wine makers that are enamoured with and proud of their work.
This light rose wine expresses some very intense aromas of citrus fruits and white flowers. Its velvety mouth associated with its freshness gives it something very ethereal."
Wine Rose