"Here’s a peek into the world of Australian sparkling wine beyond methodé traditionelle. Made by Mark Matthews at Caledonia Australis in Gippsland, this 100% sparkling Chardonnay based fizz is nothing if not interesting. I tried a bottle about a year ago, but a pleasure to check in here again. First started as a trial in 2012, then finalised in 2014, this pet nat/method ancestral fizz comes off a late ripening patch of the vineyard that sees a creeping shadow from two sides around summer solstice time. The point where the shadows intersect is ‘super dark’ according to mark, hence the name Umbra. Fermented cold, it’s given a very cold settling to ‘bring about maximum tartrate precipitation prior to bottling so it won’t gush on opening." - Andrew Graham, Oz Wine Review, October 2018