Wine Front 95 Points!
Wine Front 95 Points!"...Immediately impressive for its heady aromatics the wine deepens with complexity on palate impact. According to Phillip Jones the wine is touched up with 66% new Allier oak barrels, and I reckon Allier drops the phenolic impact of white wine, a benefit for the texture of premium Chardonnay offerings...
Meanwhile, to the wine itself. You get the initial hit of sweet spice and a cedary lift from the new wood, but its marginalised by marzipan, stone fruits and quince. The palate shows restraint but pulls through with enough power to show that it's a definite keeper. Think thinly sliced nectarine, grapefruity acidity and a polished, soft texture. PJ is an advocate of the no malo brigade though admits a little may get through to the keeper " he equates lower malo levels with longevity and the future potential is certainly evident in this wine. It's a superb Chardonnay, a triumph from a producer who gets bigger applause for his work with Pinot Noir, but this is serious stuff here, wonderfully executed and bloody delicious..."
Mike Bennie, The Wine Front, November 2010
VIC- Gippsland
Wine White - Chardonnay